Renting HDB flats:Tenancy Matters
2 月前
Renting HDB flats:Tenancy Matters

If you are looking to rent a HDB flat/ bedroom from the open market, you can refer to the information here.

Tenancy Agreement

The Tenancy Agreement covers the terms and conditions of the renting of a property, offering clauses relating to the main aspects of the tenancy to protect and balance the interest of both landlords and tenants.

If you are planning to rent out or rent an HDB flat/ bedroom, you can take reference from these standard tenancy agreement templates( with input from regulatory agencies, associations representing the real estate agency industry and consumers, and practitioners who are experienced in the residential rental transaction process. These templates are just a guide, and you are free to amend the template or negotiate the terms contained in the template with your property agent to suit your needs and/ or requirements.

Rental and deposit payments

It is common practice for rent to be paid monthly. The first payment should be made on the day the tenancy starts while subsequent payments should be made on the same day of each month. The deposit amount is usually equal to a month’s rent for a 1-year tenancy contract and 2 months’ rent for a 2-year tenancy contract. This is payable upon signing the tenancy agreement, together with the first month’s rent. You are advised not to pay more than a month's rent.

As proof of payment, you should pay the rent and rental deposit by cheque. You should also move into the flat immediately after collecting the keys.

Disputes between tenants and flat owners

Any disagreements, such as the rental amount, payment or forfeiture of deposits, right to terminate tenancy, and rental periods, are private matters between the tenant and the flat owner. Flat owners and tenants should try to solve the dispute amicably and reach mutual agreement.

You are advised to read and understand all the terms and conditions in the tenancy agreement carefully before signing it.

Engaging property agents

If you are engaging a property agent, check his or her phone number with CEA’s Public Register ( verify the identity of your property agent and safeguard yourself against scammers.

Scammers are putting up fake property listings online and impersonating property agents to scam victims into making payment to secure an appointment to view or rent the property. Find out how to avoid falling for rental scams.

Source: The Housing & Development Board (HDB)

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